Wednesday, June 24, 2020

George OIT

George was diagnosed with food allergies when he was six months old. Since then, he has carefully managed a diet free of all nuts and, for a time, soy and egg. He is currently ready to try OIT - oral immunotherapy - for peanut allergy. 

He took the first step today, and he handled it like a total boss! It helps that there are snacks. 

Monday, June 15, 2020


Vacation Bible School week is one of our favorite weeks of summer, and VBS being canceled is one of the saddest parts of the pandemic. Fortunately, GFBC has moved its VBS online! We registered George right away, and since the girls couldn't volunteer in person, they volunteered at home to make VBS even more fun for George. 

Admittedly, in person is pretty unbeatable, but George was thrilled to be able to attend virtually, and we are so grateful for everyone who made this happen. 

We cannot wait to attend next year - in person! 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Mom Agenda

Raise your hand if you still use a paper planner? 

A paper planner is really critical for me to keep up with everyone's schedules, and I have been using MomAgenda since Skip first picked one up for me in 2006, when the girls were less than three months old. I'm a huge fan, and my favorite mail day of the year is when the new edition arrives just in time for the student calendar months to be used.