the BOW!!!!
For the past year, we have been trying, unsuccessfully, to sell Lauren on the idea of any type of hair management tool, i.e., barrettes, clips, etc. Last week, the intervention of all interventions took place on their bedroom floor. Long story short, I wrestled her to the ground, executed some type of "hold," styled her hair in a pony tail and stuck with her every second for the rest of the afternoon to make sure she didn't remove it. I realize that sounds harsh, but there have been innumerous attempts involving more persuasive (and less physical) methods. I know for a fact that both of her grandmothers have tried to get her to mimick them and have spent afternoons with Elmo and Cookie clips in their hair. We really tried.
We also incorporated a great deal of positive reinforcement, and much of that was supplied by Skip with lots of, "LAUREN!!! You look so PRETTY!" Flattery was unsuccessful when tried various times over the past year. However, it finally struck a chord so maybe her sense of vanity has developed?
Because the intervention was not the first of its type, I wanted to hold off on declaring victory for a few days to make sure she did not revolt. So far so good.
I tried the same technique with Gracie, but with an entirely different result... no bow.
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