We will be celebarting the girls' third birthday on October 3rd. We had decided on a simple home party this year. However, Lauren kiboshed that idea last week when we were discussing birthday plans during Lauren & Gracie's bath time. When I said, "We're going to have your party at HOME! Won't that be fun?" She responded by saying, "Yellow park?" The "yellow" park was the site of their cousin's recent birthday party. Then she asked, "Party at Barney park?" So... Barney park it is. Luckily, the monsoon-like rains we have been experiencing for the past month have frightened most people from scheduling an outdoor party so the park was wide open, enabling us to book a last minute reservation. Barney Park? Here we come!
A couple of months ago, at the height of the girls' fascination with Abby Cadabby, Sesame Street's newest and most lovable character, I planned to have an Abby theme. How fickle almost-three-year-old-girls can be! We are now on the cusp of leaving Abby behind and embarking on a full blown Cinderella obsession. We wanted to have Abby because we simply have not been ready to move beyond Sesame Street, but a couple of developments have made me question the decision.
First, I met with a local bakery to discuss the cake about a week and a half ago. The bakery is a local institution, was privately owned for approximately 50 years, before changing hands to another local owner. (The cake they made last year is here.) So, I met with my contact there, and I quickly realized that I was working, both creatively and in a negotiation style, to get this cake deal done. We nailed down how the cake would be handled (there are licensure/copyright issues), and that I would be back in to discuss the cake specifics in a couple of weeks to go over the artwork, etc. We shook hands about a tentative cake deal.
Actually, they're great. Last year, when I was explaining that I needed two sets of toys and extra icing, the same contact nodding very knowingly, and said, "Don't worry; I'm gon' hook you up." This year, as I asked him if he knew who Abby Cadabby is, he nodded affirmatively, but then explained that she would be difficult to do. He explained, "Better known characters, sure... Elmo? no problem. Big Bird? we can do. Maybe, just maybe, Grouch, but it would be tough." So I confirmed that Abby is a BIG DEAL at our house and that it has to happen. He nodded, thoughtfully, and said, "Hmmhmm... I can tell. We'll work it out. Let's see what we can do." And we got down to business. Abby's image is licensed, and this bakery takes its responsibility serious. But, it's going to happen. Problem solved.
So this afternoon, we set out to complete the next set of "to do" items for the party. Naturally, this involved a trip to Party City. I managed to dodge this retailer for the first two parties we have had. But beloved Abby? Her image is well protected and hard to locate. We arrived, and there are literally aisles upon aisles (so it seemed) of Cinderella/Princess/Barbie items. There, amongst the other Sesame Street characters was a tiny, disheveled section devoted to Abby.
I procured our supplies, from the sparse selection that was available, and will meet with the baker again tomorrow.
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