You see, she couldn't sleep.
Understandably, she was frustrated by having to lie in her bed. She proceeded to quietly play until 5:30 or so when she drifted back to sleep -- at which time I showered and started the day. Wednesday was a very busy/important day at work; being well rested would have been helpful.
I realize that there are those early-bird-gets-the-worm types, those disciplined souls who arise at 3:30 or 4:00am each and every day of their lives. (In fact, my dad's alarm clock sounded at 3:30am for years.) God bless them. But, I would argue here that those people have settled into those routines and have adjusted by going to bed at an hour that affords them enough sleep to function. Since we typically do not get up at 2 or 3am, we were up until 11:30pm the night before. Long story short, we were staggering about Wednesday on no sleep.
In fact, I was so ill prepared to put one foot in front of the other that when I got to work a coworker mentioned that she was stopped at a traffic light beside me that morning. She blew the horn and waved, but... nothing. It just didn't register.
Anyway. We managed to schlep through Wednesday (again, important/busy day for us both) and crash Wednesday night. I made a deal with the girls that if they would go to sleep, STAY asleep and NOT WAKE UP, that they could both wear ***PINK*** shirts the following day and that we would run errands (that's a big deal around here).
Miraculously, they kept their end of the deal, and we're a little more functional today.
Here they are ready for their pay off:
Pink shirt? Check.
Pink bows? Check.
*Pink purses? Check.
Errands included Target, the library and the United States Post Office. And, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed if anyone had blown the horn or waved to me. :)
*As the picture indicates, we rarely leave the house without purses in hand. In fact, when we start making our exit, Lauren usually shouts, "Get yo' purse, Gracie!!!!" Contents include 1) Cinderella camera, 2) Sleeping Beauty mobile phone, 3) sunglasses and 4) usually some type of contraband, such as Chapstick or lip gloss.
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