Tuesday, July 29, 2014

After the Hospital

By way of update, our patient's room was decorated with a red star discharge balloon on day 21 of her hospital stay. We left the hospital back on July 16th, 23 long days after being admitted.

Our patient came to our house (where she remains at present) and promptly fell asleep. She would continue to sleep, at least 20 hours out of 24, if we allowed it. Instead, we have been walking daily at a brisk pace, completing various exercises and homework, and began a rigorous outpatient rehabilitation program this week. After a couple of weeks of work, you may safely assume I am not her favorite child. We have a loooooong road ahead of us, and motivation is our biggest obstacle.  We have asked her church to pray for initiative, incentive and motivation.

On the very best of days, the patient looks like this:

The patient walked a total of 2.2 miles that day.

We are all doing our best to cajole and cheer, including William George who often cheers for his Grammie when she is walking at home:

It's a full time job, but we are giving it 100%. In the meantime, I have a couple of older updates, and then we will be in full swing for school next week. Updates to come soon, and the Lindsey Twins site should resume a light posting schedule soon.

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