Monday, June 22, 2015

VBS, 2015

June 8th through June 12th marked one of our very favorite weeks of summer: VBS. In a very exciting development, William George got to attend this year for the very first time, since he will be turning four next month.  Lauren and Grace had a very fun class with some friends they already knew, along with some new friends, and George got to attend the four year old boys' class, where he also ran into a buddy from preschool.

They diligently attended every day from 9:00am until 12:00pm, and they enjoyed learning some new verses and especially enjoyed the music. Thursday night was parent night, where both the preschool and children's choir performed.  As with all prior years, they had a wonderful time, and George especially enjoyed the week.

After VBS on Friday, the trio spent the night with Gran & Poppa, while we wrapped my week-long project of cleaning/purging the trio's closets.

Overall, we had a fantastic and productive week.

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