Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Summer's Last Hurrah

We spent Labor Day performing actual labor (ok, it was mostly Skip) and making three separate trips to Home Depot. In an effort to restore our back yard after the playground project, we (the literal "we") added top soil and installed sod as well as grass plugs to create a more welcoming back yard. Skip picked up a manual mower (tip: the price at Home Depot is lower), and he had to try it out as soon as we got home Friday night. Our sloped front yards tend to render the "self-propelled" feature of other mowers useless so he ends up hauling the mowers up/down the hills anyway.  We went back the next day to rent a sod roller.

In the meantime, Lauren came down with  a stomach bug, and she spent the weekend sick. We watched movies, went to Target when she was feeling a little better, and had a pizza night.  We made some ice cream (chocolate and vanilla) and, by Monday, were feeling well enough to grill with Skip's parents.

Goodbye, summer 2015... you were a great summer. Fall, you are our favorite, and we are ready for you.

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