Friday, February 9, 2018

Enumerated Update

Happy Friday, friends!

We have had a productive week. As mentioned previously, illness, part three, continued this week, and Skip had to travel to Minnesota and brave the -4 degree temps. In the meantime, we made progress on a little construction project we have going. I will get sidetracked if I mention it in detail, but will post about it next week. Long story short, George is getting a new room, and the girls will no longer be sharing a room. Everyone is excited, including me!  Again, more details soon.

In the meantime, here's where we are:

1) Social Media: We have pressed pause on social media. Sometime before Christmas, I had this epiphany while scrolling. I have a positive association with social media... I don't have any issues with comparison... I wish everyone well... much success, happiness and all of that. I LOVE vacation photos, and I genuinely want to know how your family is doing. So this isn't a commentary about the "perfection" that is often associated with social media. It's just that it's not productive, and it's hugely distracting. While I love keeping up with family and friends, I don't need to know when everyone gets stuck in traffic or goes to Wal-Mart. I cannot absorb any more "rants," however sympathetic I may be to that person's plight.

Social media is something that we are using sparingly. Skip has never really been into it at all, and I only get distracted by it every now and then. During the winter break, I didn't really check it at all because there was no need to monitor the trio's classroom pages, etc. Life was better. Definitely, I want to stay in touch with family/friends, but I don't want to rely on social media to accomplish that.

Even my beloved Instagram was further altered, and I detest the new version.

This article from Wired definitely resonates. The idea of disconnection being one of privilege is sadly accurate.

2) Blogs: I still have a soft spot for blogs. A carefully curated and planned blog can come across as fresh and informative. I love Design Mom's collection of predictions for blogs in 2018.

3) Last Dig: My last Facebook criticism of the day.

4) Something fun and happy. And I love that she built it with her dad.

Have I mentioned that my dad (and mom! proper credit!) converted an old Golden Flake truck into a camper when I was little. I really wish we had photos of it. We camped in that thing for years!

5) LaCroix is having such a moment now. Skip and the trio have been drinking them for years.

The trio love all the flavors, but we save the cerise-limon (cherry-lime) for special occasions, like vacation.

What's your favorite flavor? Skip's is pamplemousse.  Personally, I am not crazy about sparkling water, but lately I'm feeling like I'm the only one not on board with LaCroix.

Do you have big plans this weekend? The trio have their final basketball games Saturday so we will be spending our last day on the hardwoods.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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