Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Open House

School is officially underway once Open House occurs, and we have been to both elementary and middle school Parent Night.

We loved seeing George's second grade classroom, catching up with his teacher and helping him complete a scavenger hunt that took us all over the school. George we are so proud of the work you have done so far, and you are already learning tons. 

We also attended middle school with Grace and Lauren and got to meet all of their teachers, as well as tour the school (again). We played pickleball with their PE teacher and checked out their lockers (they're holding up well). 

The below drawings are group projects. Each participant was assigned a body part to develop for a character from their summer reading.

We also got to explore the science lab.

George, Lauren and Grace are enjoying their school years so far, and we are thrilled with their teachers. Second and Sixth grade are awesome so far. 

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