Friday, April 26, 2019

Magnolia Festival 5K

Our small city hosts a festival each spring, and there is also a 5K that is coordinated with the event. The trio registered several weeks ago, not realizing that George would be sick. 

Because of liver and spleen swelling resulting from mono, his activities are limited. He can run, but shouldn't over do it. Certainly, he shouldn't do anything such as a contact sport. This 5K was supposed to be the girls' big rematch with George to challenge his Bulldog Run time. They were ready to really have a good run, but everyone had to be cautioned to slow down and not overdo it. 

They had a great time!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter 2019

After a long week of illness, we were ready to celebrate Easter. Skip took the girls to church, and George and I watched remotely. Sadly, George is still contagious so we stayed home, and we also had to cancel lunch with grandparents so as not to expose them unnecessarily.  

The good news is that George has his smile back! We had a great day celebrating a risen Savior and being thankful for healing. 

Bunny ears for Pixie