Saturday, May 11, 2019

Triple Play

Today was the girls' ballet recital, and George also had a baseball game. 

A lot of the other dancers had baseball commitments (either as players or siblings). It's a busy day in our little town. 

So the girls had rehearsal all morning, and then George had a 2:30 game. They finished rehearsal at 2:00. We had a 30 minute commute to the field, but they were also starving. So we picked up lunch as quickly as we could and figuratively raced to the ball field. The girls stopped to eat their sandwiches at a picnic table, while I walked to the dug out, munching on my sandwich. It wasn't graceful, and the stands were full.   

We missed the first twenty minutes of a very tough game. Over the next 20 minutes, the A's pulled ahead. It was going to be close. We had a tough inning, leaving us tied. But then the Yankees had their turn at bat at the top of the next inning. If they regained the lead, that might be the end. Two Yankees got on with good hits. Then a slugger went up to bat, with what would likely result in them scoring three points. George caught it (out) and tagged second base where the runner had left the base (out) for an unassisted double. He then threw the ball to first because that runner had also left the base (out).  


Everyone went wild! Oh my goodness... there was yelling and cheering... and the umpires had to consult because it all happened so fast. George has had a few double plays, but this was his first TRIPLE! 

That closed out the Yankees bat with zero scoring, and the A's were able to score some runs, retaking the lead. 

George was also 3/3, with a home run.  

William George, you are forever my MVP. So incredibly proud of you! 

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