Sunday, June 16, 2019

Cape Cod: Coast Guard Beach

Because we were visiting Cape Cade pre-season, the towns were pretty quiet, and the beaches were mostly empty. However, when we visited Coast Guard Beach, called "The Great Beach" by Henry David Thoreau, we new it was something special because parking/shuttle service was elaborate, and the beach was crowded, even during the pre-season. 

This is THE beach. 

Like with most experiences, photographs are completely inadequate -- at least mine are. I made the decision not to travel with my DSLR, and I regretted that choice upon seeing so many photographers capturing the beauty of this beach, home to panoramic vistas, marshlands, sand bars, seals and sharks.  

This was by far our favorite day and favorite beach. We stayed so long that Skip rode the shuttle back, and sneakily parked the car so that we could enjoy an extra couple of hours before the park closed. 

This was such a wonderful day at the beach and a fantastic way to spend our last full day.  

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