Monday, February 14, 2011

Be my Valentine

I went to Target sometime around the first of the year. They already had Valentine's Day displays in prominent position. For someone who was still eyeing her Christmas tree at home, it was shocking to see conversational hearts and V-Day themed dish towels on display. The intention, I'm sure, is to spark the next wave of holiday (and I use that term loosely when referring to V-Day) spending, but what happens to me is the opposite. Do we really need a full six weeks of Valentine's Day preparations? I think not. When I stare at Valentine's decorations/displays for weeks on end, I become fatigued, stop seeing it altogether and then am surprised when February 14th finally rolls around.

It was thus that I registered surprise when the girls' preschool teacher mentioned the upcoming Valentine's Day party and correlating "sign-up sheet" to me (I am the room mom. Have I mentioned that? For those of you who are aware of my domestic shortcomings, feel free to laugh amongst yourselves...) last Thursday. The neuro fatigue was also how I ended up at Wal-Mart Friday, in the throes of Valentine's Day traffic, to procure supplies for the school party. I blame the fatigue.

I think it is a shame that this holiday (again, that seems strong) is forced because, in terms of timing, I think it can actually be a good day. I firmly believe that V-Day, positioned right at the end of winter and about six weeks into the resolutions we made at the beginning of the year, is a great opportunity to do something nice for others and even ourselves. We returned to our routines, resolved to make improvements, and have been trudging along for a month and a half. The opportunity to encourage/indulge is fortuitously timed. Take today to do something nice for those you care about, and do something nice for yourself -- no matter how small the gesture is. And, I promise it doesn't require six weeks of planning... you still have plenty of time.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Room Mom? Really? You have come a long way in the past 13-14 months! Sounds like lots of fun. I am sure the party turned out great!