Update: I drafted the below post on 02-04-11, prior to the hosting site's 02-07-11 post concerning dry shampoo. The timing demonstrates that all efficient moms think alike!
When it comes to getting up, dressed, wrangling two preschoolers into clothes, into their chairs for breakfast and into the car for a drive to preschool, it is easy for something to give. And that something is usually a morning routine that involves being presentable for the outside world. In a pinch, I can get by with minimal make-up, but it is hard to pull off uncombed hair, unless you happen to look cute in a baseball cap (and I do not). Therefore, I am always and forever seeking short-cuts on how to have presentable (ok, quasi-presentable) hair.
An obvious way to save time is to skip the daily shampoo, although that was not entirely obvious to me at first. It took a former stylist suggesting it as a way to combat dryness for me to consider it. When I asked about conditioning products, she simply said, "Well, I can tell you how to fix the dryness immediately, but you probably aren't going to want to do it." When she suggested that I not wash my hair daily, I thought she was crazy. I had been dutifully performing a daily wash for years; I was on auto-pilot. Begrudgingly, I gave it a shot, and within a couple of weeks I noticed a huge change in the health of my hair. So then imagine my response when I had another, subsequent stylist recommend that I shampoo every two days. He also added that hair gets dryer as we age and that he has a lot of thirty-something clients that only shampoo twice a week. Currently, I am on an every 2-3 day day plan. I like to refreshen between shampoos, and that's where dry shampoos come into play.
Below is a detailed video from hair guru Sarah James at HairThursday.com extolling the merits of dry shampoo:
you know, I still haven't hopped onto the dry shampoo bandwagon. I think it is time! thanks for sharing!
The thought of dry shampoo bothers me but everyone who tries it loves it. I think I'm going to have to give it a go at least. Thanks for sharing!
It was tough for me to stop washing my hair every day too. It went against everything my momma ever taught me! :) I'm a dry shampooer too... and if I'm out (this is gross... don't judge me) I'll just spray a little hairspray on my roots and rub it in.
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