Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Home improvement

Gracie during one of our many trips to Lowe's

We have finally completed phase one of our home improvement to do list.  We had our home painted, complete with some minor repairs on the trim.  We had several electrical projects performed (e.g., replacement of seven light fixtures, replacement of a garage door, replacement of two flood lights and several minor repairs), and we had to purchase a new refrigerator.  We also purchased a new microwave/range hood, but we are having to re-order, as the installer doesn't "cut tile" to make the new microwave fit.  Apparently having the right measurement for the height is important.  

These repairs constituted a huge portion of my to-do list.  While I am glad to be able to check those items off, I am now more behind than ever.  Updates to come soon. 

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