Friday, November 30, 2012

Daily Photo

Friday's Quote

I dwell in possiblities.

-Emily Dickinson


Skip and a colleague often compare notes about their weekends, how they spent their time, etc.  In the summer months, we are unbelievably jealous of the mild temperatures he and his family enjoy in Minnesota.  On the flip side, we have mild winters and the occasional warm weekend during the winter months.  Clearly, we need to summer in the north and winter in the south. 

The above photos were taken a few weeks ago when we had an 81 degree day in October.  Tomorrow's high is 70 degrees.  Normally, we would love the mild weather, but I always find myself grumbling if I break a sweat while putting up the outside Christmas decorations. 

George's illness from Thanksgiving is making its way through the family.  Accordingly, we may opt for a very quiet, recuperative weekend.  What about you?  What are your weekend plans?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Daily Photo

WGL, 16 Months

Dear William George,

You turned 16 months old back on November 12th. I had not planned to use these shots as your monthly photo, but you have managed to keep one or more bruises on your noggin the entire month of November. So... these are the official photos.


Your new interest in climbing has been the impetus for all the bruises. You found the steps leading to our rather large, king sized bed, and you scamper up the steps and them jump up and down on the bed like it's your personal trampoline. You also like to climb on top of the ottoman in the family room, and that exercise never ends well. Finally, when access to those heights are restricted, you will settle for jumping up and down on throw pillows. Surprisingly, you still manage to fall and strike your head. We have considered putting a bicycle helmet on your head at all times. 

You talk constantly, and you say all kinds of words... too many to name.  A few recent favorites include elf, Zippy, Christmas tree, show, music, etc.  You have been saying "mine" for a while now, but that one continues to be your all-time favorite.  You will go and find your sisters' favorite, prized possessions and then stand in front of them, holding it, saying "mine" over and over.  They will argue back, saying, "Mine," but you usually win.  Mine!  Mine!!  Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnneeee!!! 

You are a scamp. 

You also love your sisters' piano (really, a keyboard).  Out of all the many keys and buttons, you can turn on the power and find the button for the recorded accompaniment music.  Of course, you can adjust the volume; that's no challenge at all.  Then you jump up and down while the music is playing.  We think you look like KC from KC and the Sunshine Band, and I have been trying to capture your little performances on video.  You wisely cease all movement once the camera is on you... somehow you know the evidence will haunt you later in life. 

Over the last month or so you have made life much more lively around here, and we love you for it.  Although we want you to keep from hurting yourself and others, we cannot wait to see what you do next. 


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Daily Photo

Book Proposal

Last week's emergency room visit has me pondering an idea for a new book.  I'm still working on a title, but I'm toying with "How to Amuse a Toddler:  Making the Contents of a Purse Seem Fascinating". 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Daily Photo

Elf on the Shelf

Santa sent our very own Elf on the Shelf this year.  We found our elf on the front porch last Friday evening.  We have no idea how he arrived, but he has been having all kinds of fun.  We decided to simply leave the box opened on the counter, and let "Zippy" (Gracie named him) make himself at home. 

I grabbed my phone to record the first interaction with Zippy:

Elf on the Shelf from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

Once the newness wore off, they grasped the idea that Zippy has the ability to report their behaviors to Santa over the next month.  In keeping with their unique personalities, Gracie approaches Zippy with near contempt (we can almost hear Mellencamp's "Authority Song" playing in her head), while Lauren charms Zippy and is forever scheming ways to manipulate his influence with Santa. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily Photo

Thanksgiving Update

This is the space I would normally use to bombard you with photos from Thanksgiving... pictures of the trio decked out in their Thanksgiving clothes, traveling to see family and having a grand old Thanksgiving time.  This year, however, I don't have any of those photos to share. 

Sure, we were ready for those photos.  We had our nice clothes ready, and our bags were packed for a trip to Atlanta to visit family.  We had planned to have my mom and Aunt over Saturday for a casual Thanksgiving/watching-the-game festivities.  And on Sunday, we had lunch plans with my dad.  To kick things off, Skip and I spent ALL DAY Wednesday packing our entire house for our two-day Atlanta excursion.  Suitcases were packed, the cars were cleaned (inside and out), and all the items we could think of to help restrain George (the high chair, pack and play, gates, etc.) were ready to be loaded. 

Then we realized George had a fever, and we administered Motrin.  Three hours later, when he seemed even warmer, we gave him Tylenol.  When his temp reached 103, we called his doctor, and then headed to the emergency room.  When they took his vitals, they confirmed his fever was 104.2.  He was diagnosed with acute croup, given a steroid and sent back home.  We finally got back home and settled into bed at 2:00am on Thanksgiving Day.

We quickly ruled out our scheduled travel for Thanksgiving day, but thought we might could travel Friday, for an abbreviated trip, if he improved.  Our little monkey did not improve.  He slept and slept, but, when he was awake, he was pitiful.  He never got the anticipated burst of energy from the steroid, and his appetite never increased, as they told us it would.  We canceled all plans, and we ended up taking George to our pediatrician's office Saturday morning, where he was diagnosed with a virus and bilateral ear infections.  He is still working on feeling better. 

We were initially bummed about our canceled plans -- especially the girls.  We explained to them that they were on Thanksgiving break, and that we needed to make the most of it, even if we did need to stay home to take care of George.   The holiday took on a sitcom quality when we started making our Thanksgiving meal.  Since had not planned to be home for our meal, we did not have a turkey or a ham, for that matter.  In fact, we had not shopped for any groceries.  We went with baked chicken (still in the poultry family, right?), scalloped potatoes, snap peas and corn.  I found four lonely Sister Schubert rolls in the freezer.  Dessert was tricky because I did not have any eggs.  Ultimately, we went with Hershey and lemon pies -- quick and easy.  While George took long naps, the girls rode bikes with Skip in the cul-de-sac, and they played in the basement for hours.  They watched the Kit Kittredge movie many, many times, and I could hear them concoct their own Kit Kittredge and Caroline Abbott scenarios.  When we needed to run an errand to the pharmacy, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights, and we found our Elf on the Shelf on our front porch when we got back home.  Our Elf has been keeping us amused, as we never know what he is going to get into next. 

After George's appointment Saturday morning (Skip would like credit for taking George for his recheck :-) and when cabin fever was beginning to settle in, Skip took the girls to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and some serious time in the indoor play area.  He gets triple points for this activity because a) it was hours before the Iron Bowl (when he could have been watching all of the pre-game shows) and b) because it was a crowded, crazy, mad house at CFA. 

Our holiday was not the Thanksgiving we had planned, and I am sure this week resembled nothing like what Skip had in mind for his vacation.  We definitely missed all of our family, and we will try to regroup and see everyone soon. The girls were especially disappointed, but we tried to have a great week and holiday anyway.  While we certainly wish George had felt better, we were able to enjoy ourselves because he was able to rest peacefully.  We got to spend so much time with Gracie and Lauren which is a real treat because our time with them has seemed scarce since school started.  We got to see their imaginations run wild with their Kit and Caroline stories, and we got to see their wonderment over our tiny Elfin guest.  They watch him for minutes on end and then SWEAR they detect some movement!

How was your Thanksgiving?  Did you have a traditional holiday, or did you celebrate in an unusual way?  Or, like us, did something derail your plans altogether? 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Daily Photo

Friday's quote

Via Fotopedia

The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.

-Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Photo

Milestones: Six-year-old check-up

Last Thursday we left the school pick up line and drove straight to our pediatrician's office for the girls' annual well visit.  William George was also slated for the second installment of his flu vaccine and was taken to the appointment against his will. 

Here are the stats: 

Gracie:  At six years of age, Gracie measures 44 1/4 inches tall (50-75th%) and weighs 41.2 pounds (50-75%).  (Gracie was a little slouchy during the height measurement so her height is a little understated.  As shown in the above photo, the girls have a tendency to not put her feet against the wall and lean back, shaving an inch or two off their height.)

Lauren:  Lauren, at six, measures 43 inches tall (25-50th%) (her height is accurate because she plants her feet properly when it counts and stands as tall as she can) and weighs 37.4 pounds (25-50th%). 

They are both developing perfectly, and Dr. W is thrilled with their progress. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Photo

Enumerated Update

Happy Monday, friends!  How was your weekend? 

Here's our status: 

1)  Vacay:  Skip is on vacation this week.  This is huge.  With the exception of two days in July and one day in September, he has not been off all year. 

Somehow his time off has led to a feud with the girls.  They are understandably miffed about going to school today and tomorrow, whereas Skip has rightfully pointed out that they had all summer off while he was working dutifully.  This has gone back and forth.  This morning, during breakfast, he told them he was going to sit on the sofa and watch Strawberry Shortcake videos while simultaneously watching Caillou and Peppa Pig on both of their iPods. 

Before you feel too sorry for them, Skip blew leaves this morning and then cleaned up and went to school to surprise them for lunch. 

2)  Family:  We are going to spend Thanksgiving day visiting family.  Our host told us that there isn't much baby proofing but that with a houseful of people we should be able to watch William George.  I cautioned her that George will have set the house on fire and be driving off in his grandfather's truck before any of us even smell smoke. 

3)  Miracles:  Since the Tide's loss last Saturday, Skip has been triangulating all of the scenarios needed for them to survive and have a shot at a championship bid.  Every time he explained which teams would need to loose, my eyes glazed over.  What were the odds?  Miraculously, the losses occurred, and there is still a chance.  There have been a lot of "Roll Tide's" around our house this weekend. 

4)  Language:  Speaking of, we have inadvertently taught William George to say "BOOM" and "HOLLA".  He is very street. 

5)  Photos:  I had planned to take William George's 16 month photos today, but he had two spills last night resulting in a bruised eye and forehead.  His photo session has been canceled. 

6)  Elf on the Shelf:  To date, we have never had a mischievous elf in our home.  I remember someone asking me about the elf when the girls were about two years old, and I immediately dismissed the idea, explaining that we had enough to do without cleaning up after an elf.  We have received word from Santa, however, that we will be receiving an elf on Thanksgiving.  When I told the girls the elf would be observing their behavior and reporting back to Santa, they weren't sure they wanted this diminutive house guest or not.  (They think he sounds a lot like a tattletale!) Personally, I think I'm going to like the elf's influence. 

What is going on with you?  Do you have big Thanksgiving plans, or are you keeping it low key? 

Either way, I hope you have a wonderful week.

Friday, November 16, 2012


This week Kelly is discussing favorite main dishes. 

We are in the process of recommitting ourselves to menu planning and being more disciplined about eating at home.  We recently reviewed our budget, and I was shocked to see the amount of money we spend eating out each month -- especially since I didn't think we ate out at all!  When I questioned the amount, Skip, my husband, said, "Yeah, I know, but it's right.  I put it in an Excel spreadsheet, and that is absolutely the amount."  Those numbers, man, they just never lie. 

Anyrate, I am currently trying to put together a rotating menu and am very eager for some suggestions. 

The attached link is to my very favorite version of Lasagna.  Hands down, this is our favorite entree.  As the recipe indicates, it is time-consuming (but not hard at all; it just needs to simmer for a while), and, of paramount importance, it freezes well.  Therefore, I usually make a couple of pans and freeze one for later.  In fact, the sauce makes enough for two, as the recipe is written.  I either have an extra lasagna or reserve the sauce to make baked ravioli.

Happy eating, and I look forward to picking up several new entree options. 


Daily Photo

Friday's Quote

Via Fotopedia

People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.

-Abraham Lincoln

Venice Under Water

In an effort to avoid any further soap opera-like updates within our security agencies, I turned my attention to world affairs and caught up on the Venice floods, courtesy of the Atlantic's reporting.  The photos of all those people swimming and/or wading through the city make me cold.  I previously used a photo of the Piazza San Marco here, and I cannot imagine being one of the swimmers seated casually in one of those yellow seats in Atlantic's ninth photo.  Even worse, those tourists carrying their suitcases above the water makes my arms hurt.  Given my tendency to over pack, combined with less than optimal upper body strength, I would be enduring a very long walk, indeed.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Daily Photo

Team Lindsey

Sometimes the trio sit at the table and draw while we are preparing dinner.  At other times, they grab one of George's playground balls and play catch.  While he likes to write, he almost "loses it" when his sisters play catch with him. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pottery Barn

I mentioned recently that we have been looking for a new dinette set to replace our 12-year-old table and chair for four.  Replacement pained us, as there is nothing wrong with the current set-up, except the fact that we now need a table for five.  Something about adding that fifth chair to our nook-type space made the current table not a good fit. 

So... the search began.  We looked at several local stores and exhausted some online options. Since many of the design blogs I peruse swear by Craigslist as a treasure trove of good finds, I even looked there, often browsing several cities in addition to our home town.  As it turns out, finding a formal dining room suite would be much easier than a casual dinette for six. 

In the meantime, I decided that my roving work space that I use for the downstairs was no longer tenable.  I have a nice armoire in the upstairs playroom, and there is an extra desk in Skip's office.  (I could write a series of posts about how Skip allows no distractions in his office, including one entitled "Don't Even Sit Down." Let's just say he doesn't welcome company.)  The bottom line and to make a long story short: I need to be able to work on the main level, but I didn't really want to invest much in a desk.  I again approached Craigslist, and I found the solution.  The listing was for the Pottery Barn Aniston desk (without hutch), and the desk was approximately two months old.  The seller was in the process of moving to a new apartment and would no longer have room for this desk.  I made the call, and we agreed on a pick up time. 

The next morning I glanced again online at my big score (at a deeply discounted price), and I noticed the seller had other listings.  And, believe it or not, he had a Pottery Barn table and chairs for sale also.  The listing indicated that the set was approximately four months old, and, again, he needed to sell them prior to moving.  A browse of additional listings confirmed my suspicion.  This seller had furnished his entire apartment from Pottery Barn, prompting me to recall the Friends episode when Rachel outfitted the apartment she shared with Phoebe with mass produced, uninspired furniture from the PB. 

Well, I'm no Phoebe.  Therefore, I have no problem with Pottery Barn.  Sure, I prefer Restoration Hardware, but our seller did not purchase his furniture from Resto, did he?  Beggars cannot be choosers and all that.  I contacted the seller, let's call him Mike, and asked if he would kindly hold the table for us to look at when we picked up the desk.  He agreed.  I measured and measured and hoped against hope that the set would work.  Frankly, the odds were slim based on our research and shopping to date. 

During my exchanges with Mike, consisting of e-mail at this point, I noticed that his professional contact information was listed.  He is affiliated with a company called Design Drawers.  We are always dreaming of having shelves installed, and there is the matter of Skip's office that could always use some work.  While these projects are loosely defined and currently not in the budget at all, we like to have resource information just in case.  Since he could be practically any kind of designer (e.g., landscape, bridge, closet, home, etc.), I thought it would be prudent to check out the site to keep from embarrassing myself when asking about his services in person. 

Well, friends, he is not an interior designer; he does not design bridges, closets or anything of that sort.  Instead, he is in the fashion industry.  The company isn't Design Draw-ers.  It's Design Drawers (pronounced:  draw's), as in underwear... men's underwear, to be specific.  The site is a little racy, although no more so than Victoria's Secret, for sure.  In fact, the night before we were to pick up the furniture, I shared this story with friends at the girls' ballet class, and my friend Ashley immediately dubbed "Mike" Victor and referred to the business as Victor's Secret.  She also gamely checked out the site. I want to encourage you to resist the urge to Google the company.  Anyrate, we discussed what we thought Mike's role is with the company... owner?  designer?  model?  We settled on IT, that he probably designed and maintained the site.  We debated whether or not he might have a comb-over, and I was glad to have spared myself discussing his company in person.

Last Friday afternoon (actually two Fridays ago), we hopped in our cars and drove to Mike/Victor's apartment.  The desk is gorgeous!  Like many of Pottery Barn's pieces, it is larger than I anticipated, but I love-love-love it.  The table/chairs were also super nice, and Mike confessed that they had never been used.  Total score.  We decided they would work for our space, and started disassembling/loading. 

Before and after
Something tells me you aren't that interested in the furniture.  For those of you who don't know Skip, let me share a couple of things with you.  First, he will ask or say anything, anytime, anywhere.  Second, he is so personable that no one ever takes offense (at least they don't seem offended).  So, naturally, while I was trying to scrub the image of the website from my mind so as not to give away the fact that I knew about the whole "draw's" venture, Skip asked him about his company flat-out.  Mike is an ex-marine, and we decided that he very well could be one of the models on the site.  (He's super in shape, and made us consider laying off the Halloween candy once and for all.) He started the business and is trying to get it off the ground.  Go entrepreneurship! 

There were no samples thrown in as part of our transaction, but we have a super sweet desk and table --  and a good story to share with guests during meals. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Daily Photo

Enumerated Update

How was your weekend?  The duo were off Monday in observance of Veterans Day, and we spent the rainy day indoors.  They painted and rode bicycles in the basement, and William George tried swinging from the rafters. 

1)  All Things Veteran:  Obviously, we are all hugely indebted to Veterans.  Let's immediately stipulate to that.  But can we pause for a moment to shake our heads incredulously over the Petraeus situation?  Oddly, I find myself agreeing with Jimmy Fallon, of all people, and his assertion that Petraeus very well cannot be expected to keep the CIA's information secretive if he cannot keep his own affair a secret.  Maybe if he had chosen a women who wasn't crazy?  And one that didn't threaten other women, who may or may not be linked to the General? 

There has not been a more embarrassing affair since astronaut Lisa Nowak's situation. 

2)  Alabama v. Texas A&M:  I don't want to talk about the game AT ALL. 

I know the Tide's fans are obnoxious.  I completely know that.  Please don't think I don't know and/or that I will try to deny/defend it.  I do, and I won't.  But y'all... when we took our seats Saturday afternoon at Bryant-Denny Stadium, I found myself seated in front of the most obnoxious fan ever -- a Texas A&M fan with the most GRATING, nasally voice who continuously broadcast each and every play for our section.  With all honestly, if he had been calling out our players' names with that same obnoxious voice he was using to call out "AhhhJohnnyFootball" during each play, I still would have wanted to pour my drink slowly over his head.  The comments were Adam Sandler-like, and it is a testament to the good sportsmanship of our section that no one became confrontational.  Because, y'all, he wasn't calling out our players' names; he was calling out "Johnny Football," and, during that first quarter, he had a lot to cheer about. 

Also, on an unrelated note, I go to great lengths to avoid watching a crushing loss. It's too painful.  I intentionally missed last year's first Alabama v. LSU match-up because I did not have a good feeling about the outcome.  I chose to miss the game of a decade in order to watch that loss in person.  Skip went with my brother, and reported that the loss was brutal.  During last week's LSU game, I cracked open a book and peered over the book occasionally to check in on the unfolding loss.  I couldn't even watch the last two minutes and missed AJ's last-minute, emotional win.  Although our section was on its feet during most of the fourth quarter of Saturday's game against A&M, I had to sit during the last offensive play, and was spared seeing the interception. 

To quote our Gracie when she was younger, "I can't want it." 

At the end of the day, it's a group of 18-20 year old boys chasing a football, and you have to let it go.

3)  Also Related:  We have an acquaintance who was a huge Romney supporter and an avid fan of Alabama.  We can only imagine that he is on suicide watch somewhere. 

4)  Christmas Shopping:  In an effort to beat the rush, things are in full swing on the shopping front.  We had decided to get William George a Tonka truck, and I shopped for a truck today.  Can anyone explain to me why Tonka trucks are expensive?  Do they honestly think I am going to pay between $40-70 for a toy truck?  Unless George can climb in it and drive off to Kindergarten, I am not interested. 

5)  Fatigue:  Between Alabama's LSU game, the election and the loss against A&M on Saturday, we are basically exhausted.  What little energy we had in reserve was wiped out when George learned how to climb the stairs.  He also tries to climb the gate, and our only recourse has been to build a gate-like wall with the ottoman lodged against the gate.  Don't get me started on the time change and how that affected his sleep and overall mood.  He is practically howling at the moon.

We are tired, and we are weary. 

What's happening in your world?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day

Thank you to those who have served in the past and to those who are serving. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Daily Photo

Friday's Quote

I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. 
-Thomas Jefferson

Political Recap


The election is over.  We can all safely answer our telephones and view social media again. 

Although we are very close watchers of the race over here and although Skip enjoys political discussion, I tend to keep my cards close to my chest.  I believe in the sanctity of the secret ballot, and I believe that both parties do some things right and have plenty of room for improvement.  Opportunity aplenty for growth, whether red or blue. I am what you might call an equal opportunity critic. 

That said, here's my recap (and this is completely tongue-in-cheek and lighthearted):

1)  Simplify:  What if we just hold the presidential election in Ohio now?  Since they so perfectly represent the country as a whole, let's just send them to the polls.  (Credit for this quip goes to one of Skip's friends, whose anonymity is being protected.)

2)  Disqualifying Gaffes:  Let's agree that no politician -- particularly males -- should ever use the word "rape" again.  Those men, whose aspirations have been rightfully quashed, need to spend some time volunteering in women's shelters. 

Updated:  The tweet from Alec Baldwin puts this as succinctly as I have seen. 

"You know your party's in trouble when you read this.  A. The rape guy lost.  B.  Which one?"

3)  Advice for President Obama:  Since this was Obama's last campaign, this is actually directed to all future democratic nominees.  Prepare for the debate, even if you think it is a "drag". 

Also, don't botch the immigration and equal pay questions (second debate).  Those are lay-ups for your party.

4)  Advice for Governor Romney:  Since the party will likely ostracize Romney for not getting the job done, this is for future nominees.  Don't get caught on video writing off 47% of the population who have received governmental assistance.  That assistance is wide-ranging, and many people have or will accept governmental dollars at some point.  (Raise your hand if you were reminded of some of the more obscure forms of aid.) 

Also, don't try scare tactics with the auto union.  They don't scare easy.

Oh, I kid. 

Really, I do. 

No matter who got your vote, we should all be celebrating the enduring democracy that we still enjoy.  No matter how distasteful you found your candidate's opposition, the fact that we can have open discussion, debate and even arguments about our nation and its presidential candidates is one of the biggest blessings we receive from God.  Those are hard-won freedoms, and the price of preserving that freedom is great.  My Facebook feed alone has evidenced the extent of free speech we still enjoy.  I know of no one in my wider circle of family, friends and acquaintances who faced danger or intimidation while casting his/her ballot.  There is no one I know who is fearful of retaliation about some of the criticisms they may have voiced.  Those statements would not be true for much of the world's population.  Let's remember how sacred our freedoms are. 

This week restores our belief that we are a nation with deep love of country.  The enthusiasm surrounding both campaigns and the process itself demonstrates our allegiance to our nation.  Moving forward, let's let love of country define (more so than hatred of "opposing" parties) our opinions and call to action.  This is especially important to remember when thinking of congress (and I am absolutely referring to both sides of the aisle here).  There are important, critical tasks at hand, and we need everyone working together for a balanced solution.  (Obama, Boehner, get it done.) Instead of thinking about 2016, let's get some things accomplished over the next four years and beyond -- regardless of who is in the oval office at that time. 

Lauren and Gracie voted in a mock election at school. When I picked them up Tuesday, we talked about the election, and I made them promise me they would vote in every election, starting in 2024 (the first election cycle in which they will be eligible to vote).  We went to the polls as a family.  In their small eyes, casting a vote was the greatest thing ever. 

And it really is. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Daily Photo

Friday Night Lights

My niece's school (cousin LEXY!) made it to the play offs!  This is so exciting for her school and especially for seniors who get to extend the season.

During one of the earlier games this season, the duo got to sit on the field and watch the band perform.  Mostly, they were watching LEXY! and chitchatting with Uncle James. 

If she were your drum major, would you dare miss a note?  Don't even thing about getting out of formation. 

Gracie even sits up a little taller when Lexy has the field. 

Waiting for the troops to line up. 

The duo thought this experience was incredibly exciting. 

And we are looking forward to the play off games. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Daily Photo

Beauty Shop

A glimpse of how things would look if we ran a beauty shop out of our home.

Currently, our clientele is limited to dolls. 

But they dream of expanding soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daily Photo


He's still doing the smile thing.  I never want it to stop. 

Halloween Update

This may be world's latest Halloween update, but I think we can agree that timeliness is not exactly a defining characteristic of this blog.  The Saturday before Halloween, we donned our costumes and visited Gran and Poppa's church for a Fall Festival.  We played games, got temporary tattoos and had a great time. 

The girls went as Barbie.  I had tried to create a theme with two Ladybug Girls and Bumblebee Boy, but only William George cooperated.  When I say "cooperated," I naturally mean that he is too young to protest.  Therefore, we had two Barbies and a Bumblebee Boy. 

On Halloween, the duo went to school, and we had piano afterward.  We then had a quick supper and trick-or-treated in the neighborhood.  Our church has a rather large Halloween Festival, but we opted for something more low key this year. 

Getting a photo of the trio proved impossible, and the above shot is the best we could do.  The frame immediately after that shot shows George wrestling free and screaming in anger.  Once George was able to run in the street, he was thrilled to be on the move and was not the least bit interested in candy. 

The duo, on the other hand?  They have fallen in love with this holiday again and are guarding their buckets with their lives. 

How was your Halloween?