Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day 2014

This week's unexpected snow days have brought smiles to the trio's faces. During last year's snow (singular - we only had one afternoon of snow), William George was still too little to really play. Although he was walking/running, he was unable to do those activities within the confines of a snowsuit and on icy surfaces.

But this year he was more than ready. He was really tame at first, preferring to taste the snow and make lots of foot prints. 

The duo, on the other hand, took on the snow with full energy and proceeded to make snow balls, a snow man (that idea was abandoned when George kept undoing all of their work) and snow angels.  

William George quickly mastered the art of making a firm snow ball, and there were many snow balls thrown.  

Finally, I knew the cold temperature had been too much when William George asked to get in the stroller with a blanket (an unprecedented request).   

Below is one of my favorite shots of the day, taken early during our snow shower.  Immediately after this shot, the duo taught William George to stick out his tongue and catch snowflakes.  

The snow will likely finish melting away today and, for once, we are not sad to see it go. Our city has experienced hundreds of stranded motorists, students stranded at schools and employees stranded at their places of business. Skip will return home today after being unable to return home as scheduled from a business trip.We simply do not have snowplows and other equipment utilized to clear roadways after a snow/ice event, and many roadways are closed during this type of weather. We have been glad to see the shining sun and happy to say goodbye to the snow. 

But we had fun while it lasted.

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