Thursday, November 6, 2014

Halloween Party

Since kindergarten, the duo have been friends with a fellow set of twins at school. We have come to adore this family so when their mom invited us to a play date/party at the park on the afternoon of Halloween we jumped at the chance for some play time. She actually had gone to a good deal of trouble to decorate on a windy day, and she had pizza, drinks, etc. Their family is comprised of four children, and we were there with our three. Another group of children were there, making it a fun group to play together.

The afternoon was cool and windy, meaning that there was really no one else at the park. What others would consider sub-optimal conditions was positively heavenly for me.

There are some great pictures of the entire group decked out in costumes, but I didn't get into the whole blog thing in order to get permission to post photos. The cuteness... it was too much. At one point, V, the male twin, got into a little trouble. As he came bebopping toward his mom in response to her calling him, I had to look away to keep from laughing. How could she scold him when he was so perfectly dressed as Luigi?

The trio had a wonderful time playing with their friends, and we stayed until the wind became problematic. Some type of nut or golf ball-sized fruit was being blown out of the trees and threatening to cause injury. We reluctantly packed everything up and set out to trick-or-treat.

For the record, I enjoyed the blustery conditions and would have stayed longer. The wind... the leaves... it was a perfect fall day.

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