Friday, June 17, 2016

Enumerated Update

Celebrating the end of basketball camp

Welcome to Friday.

Grace and Lauren have been dribbling and shooting every day this week during basketball camp from 9:00 am until noon. This camp was put on by a local high school girls' basketball team, and our duo were inspired by the skill of those high school girls. We noted improvement with their shooting, passes and just overall speed/efficiency.  After a hard week of camp, they had an off day today and went with a friend to the pool to celebrate her birthday. William George and I were busy with errands and coordinating "crashes" with his car collection.

Other than that, here is the sitch:

1) Facebook Hiatus: Imagine if your loving family and awesome group of friends liked a particular restaurant - one that you found mediocre at best but really kind of disliked - and wanted to hang out there regularly. Now substitute Facebook for that restaurant. I barely like the platform and only peek at it because that is where everyone hangs out. I'm sure it's no different than anything else on the Internet, but I have never fully warmed to it.

But then maybe you kind of got used to the stale bread they serve and the soda with the poorly mixed carbonation/syrup ratios.  You just got used to it and went there out of habit.

Now imagine there's an election year... and that there is a lot of anger, misinformation and buffoonery.

Now imagine there's a national tragedy, and that there are a lot of ill-thought-out solutions for preventing future, additional tragedies (that we now know are going to happen several times each year). Now imagine a lot of anger, hostility and hate.

Imagine certain members of the spiritual community contributing to that hate.

Imagine reading about it all the livelong day.

Although there are certainly good, admirable things happening in the world right now, there is little evidence of that in my feed.

That's not entirely fair... the good is just being drowned out.

So basically I need to scale back. Unfortunately, a lot of school, extra-curricular and other family information is disseminated via Facebook so bowing out of it altogether is not really viable.  Also, I truly enjoy looking at all of the beautiful families and accomplishments. But, I definitely need less toxicity.

Less Facebook, more books. That's my mantra.

2) Candid Photo Round-Up: On a lighter note, I loved Design Sponge's post about candid photos. Candid photos were my among my favorites of the trio when they were younger. Capturing the joy of their play time was my absolute fave.

3) Berry Freedom Floats: I always have plans for red, white and blue desserts for the 4th, but Liz at Say Yes shares a really simple one that looks delicious.

4) One more: She also had a round up of dinner options that look very tempting. I'm especially interesting in the Barbacoa Tacos.

Peace, love and light to you and yours this weekend.

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