Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Weekend Update

Happy Monday, friends!

I was given a friendly reminder by Ralph (my father-in-law) this weekend that the blog is overdue for an update. With school resuming, Skip's travel, his recurrent allergy incident, all extra minutes in the day have been claimed. In the hopes that things are settling down, we will try to get back to the business of updating our comings and goings here, starting with the weekend.

We decided to stay in town for Labor Day this year and spare ourselves all of the packing/unpacking/commuting that marks family travel. Instead, we had a nice dinner Friday night at home. We joined Skip's parents for lunch Saturday and enjoyed grilling out, and we followed that up by watching the Alabama Crimson Tide. Since we never want to say anything to anger the football gods, I'll simply say that it was a good game against USC.

After church Sunday, we went to my mom's and ate lunch with my brother, David, and his wife. The trio had fun playing basketball outside, and Skip and George never miss an opportunity to throw the football around. After being gone Saturday and Sunday, we stayed in Monday. We grilled for lunch and dinner, Skip's parents joined us, and the trio played until they were exhausted.

It's been a great weekend.

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