Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekend Update

Happy Monday, friends.  How was your weekend?

School is well under way now. In fact, the duo are halfway through their first grading period. Although there hasn't been much homework, we are spending a lot of time studying and reading, and the trio are starved for play time. So after studying Friday afternoon, the trio played as if they were on a weekend furlough. Plus, I think they miss being with each other during the day, as they were over the summer. Mind you, that doesn't prevent them from arguing, but they definitely miss one another.

Saturday was super low key. We ate lunch out, ran a few errands and then watched some Alabama Crimson Tide football. We turned dinner into a football theme by having pizza night, and George and Gracie wanted to stay up all night watching football. Speaking of, George now wants to watch football every night of the week (like our Olympics schedule), and I can only blame myself. In addition to watching football, William George runs around in a uniform and clutching a football. He often makes touchdowns but sometimes tackles himself to keep things realistic.

They girls served as acolytes at church Sunday. Our church has started a new children's ministry program during the traditional service wherein they invite any children in the congregation to stand and go to children's worship. (Children's worship has a large group during the contemporary service, but is adding a second children's worship.) Anyone who knows George knows that he was not completely on board with standing up in front of the entire congregation, but I went with him so it was less intense than it otherwise could have been. Of course, he had a blast, and the girls did an excellent job in their roles of acolyte.

After lunch, the trio alternated between playing and watching football.

William George also had the honor of bringing home the book that his class made about manners. Each student contributed a page to the book, and the theme is "good choices". We read the book a dozen or so times, and I can confidently say that his class is full of promising authors.

We loved it.

Have a fabulous week!

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