Friday, February 17, 2017

Enumerated Update

Happy Friday, friends!

Long time, no see. Sorry about that. I have been kind of staring, slack-jawed, at various news outlets since January 20th.  During that span of time, I have exhausted all of my free articles from the newspapers I peruse, and have revived an old Twitter account in order to pick up news from those publications.  

Any rate, I'll try to get back up to speed. In the meantime, here's what is happening with us.  

1) Pet peeves: Members of congress whose e-mail has a zip code verification step. Granted, I can understand and appreciate wanting only to hear from one's constituents (although they probably aren't eager for that either), but when one holds a position on key committees, one should expect to hear from the country at large. To those congressmen and women, I say, "You know we have your mailing address, right?"  


2) Star Wars: I have alluded to this franchise previously. For the record, it is a point of pride that I have never seen ANY of these movies. I realize you may feel differently, and I may have favorites that you loathe. Fair enough. It's just that I have managed to go a lifetime without seeing them, and I don't exactly want to break the streak now.  

But George now LOVES anything and everything to do with Star Wars. Getting on board with Harry Potter was a stretch for me, but I don't think I have Star Wars in me. This is going to need to be a dad activity.  

3) 1984: Have you finished re-reading 1984? Here's what to read next.

(I previously read Super Sad True Love Story and The Circle... both are fantastic, but Skip wants to add that the former is more prescient.)  

4)  Morning Joe: Skip thinks I have a crush on Joe Scarborough so I am risking ridicule by posting this editorial that pre-dated the Flynn discovery and termination. Previous presidents have "looked into [Putin's] eyes and seen his soul," and we have tried to "re-set" the situation. The Trump-Putin bromance is alarming on every level, and the cover story of rebuilding the relationship is just not plausible.  

Y'all, this Russia thing is not working for me... at... all.  I will leave it at that.  

5) China: On a much lighter note, I have written of my love for the White House China Room previously.  The Official White House China: From the 18th to the 21st Centuries has been updated/expanded. (I already picked up a copy for the dining room.)

We have a busy weekend with a full day of science olympiad tomorrow. I hope yours is wonderful!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Valentine's Day, 5K and 4th Grade

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

The trio had such a fun day sharing the love with their friends and classmates. William George's class had an "Elegant Party" during which time they displayed all of their best manners they have been learning, e.g., how to escort a girl into a room, how to pull out her chair, etc.  

William George was channeling "Master George" from Downton Abbey. He would have rather worn his Darth Vadar costume, but we reached a compromise that his Valentine's Day box could be Darth Vadar if he dressed up for the party. Done and done.  

Here is George with his good friend and partner in crime.  

"Dabbing" and blowing kisses.  

Darth put aside his evil ways, just for one day.  

The kindergarten impresario.  

The class had a few photos in the church parlor.  

As for these ladies, they made special Valentines for their friends and to share with classmates, and they sent their teachers chocolate hearts.  

Their class at school doesn't get to have an official party, but they have some time to pass out cards and gifts (wink-wink). Parents do not attend, but the girls had a really good time.  

And, of course, there were Valentines from us (mom/dad) since the trio are the best Valentines ever.  

The four girls in George's class were soooo pretty and received a lot of attention on Valentine's Day.  

But really, this group is just impossibly sweet each and every day.  

This sweet friend watches out for George and makes sure the menu stays allergen-free.  

Behind the scenes: these two lovely tweens had a tough time finding age-appropriate Valentine cards. They contemplated making their own creations, but settled on something pet-themed and prepackaged. (Whew!)  

I really wanted to do something personalized for George, since this year was his last "big" V-day party. However, he saw a box of Star Wars cards (but, of course), and there was no way I could compete with that. As mentioned above, we negotiated on the attire.  

(We have negotiated so often and so much that George now starts propositions by saying, "I make a deal with you..." When you hear that, get your game face on because the negotiation has begun.)  

Another a final pic with a sweet friend.  

After all the school partying, Skip grilled steak, and we had a nice family dinner. (We had celebrated with lunch over the weekend.) 

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope your day was wonderful. If for any reason it wasn't, it's not too late! Treat yourself to something indulgent.