Friday, March 15, 2019

2019 Bulldog 5K

George participated in his school's sixth annual 5K recently. He was super excited, but maybe a little nervous. Last year was his first 5K at school, but he had his sisters (and their cool guy friends) cheering him on. Or, as he said, "It's going to be a lot harder this year because I won't have 'D' helping me..." George reminded me that "D" ran his last lap with him last year. Lauren and Grace were very bummed about not being able to attend, but we all assured George he was going to have a FANTASTIC run!

As a second grader, George ran with the K-2 group. Skip was there to cheer him on while I helped volunteer at the finish line. All of a sudden, a friend gave me the heads up that George was on his last lap and heading for the finish line. We were all so surprised that he finished so quickly. George ran through the finish arch at 26:32, finishing first in second grade and posting one of the top times school-wide.

George, we love to watch you run and are so proud of how hard you worked!

PS: Remember past school 5K's?




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