Tuesday, August 27, 2019

First Day of School 2019/2020

We had a fantastic summer. We really did. Although we spent a few weeks dreading the start of school, the trio got pretty excited a few days before the start date. They were so eager they decided to meet for breakfast at CFA at 6am (note the darkness through the windows!). 

This year, we're prepared for the darkness. It took us most of last year to get used to getting up before the sun and watching the sunrise from the bus stop. This year... we're ready for it. They're even smiling!

George is still five minutes from his school so he had a little more time for photos and was feeling a little indulgent toward the camera. He is sporting some new Harry Potter gear from PBTeen.  

And we love his fresh haircut, which is a big change from his longer, summer hair. 

Have you noticed his new smile? He lost his second front tooth about a week after the first. We think it's super cute and cannot wait to see his new smile.  

Lauren has homework central prepped and ready to go.  

We are excited for 2019/2020 and are hoping for the best year yet!

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