Thursday, August 8, 2019

The One That Got Away

We have been having a great week, with lots of pool and beach time.  Skip brought George's fishing gear, and although George didn't have much luck fishing in the ocean, he had a big catch in the bay.  Skip and George went over to the bay side to fish, and two fellow fisherwomen cautioned them that there was a large alligator and pointed him/her out for them to avoid. Naturally, Skip suggested that they try to catch it. Skip cast, and the bob landed a few feet away. George said, "Let me try!" George then cast, and his bad landed right in front of the gator's mouth. The gator chomped down on it, and as they were figuring out what to do with it, the gator opened its mouth and released the bob. 

When we asked George what he was going to do with the gator he said, "Trophy it." 

It would have looked so nice hanging in his room. 

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