Friday, March 20, 2020

Annual 5K + Service Day

Today was supposed to be the sixth annual Bulldog 5K Run at George's school. The girls ran the 5K many times, and George has been looking forward to the run for a long time. We decided to proceed with a 5K at home. George was so excited, and Lauren and Grace were good sports to do it with him. We ran the 5K in our quiet neighborhood, practicing social distancing. This was just for fun, and we didn't keep times. Our "track" involved six uphill climbs, which tested their commitment, but they stuck it out.  

Today was also supposed to be "Service Day" at Lauren and Grace's school. The girls were scheduled to volunteer with the Cahaba River Keepers. They were going to canoe down the Cahaba to some remote locations and pick up debris. They had been very excited about the assignment and were disappointed with school was closed. 

The service day assignments shifted to finding a service project at home. Skip came through with them with a weeding project. They were charged with weeding the front and side flower beds. Since the girls helped George with his 5K recreation, he pitched in and helped them with their service project. 

After the 5K and some yard work, they were basically done for the day. So proud of their hard work. 

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