A few days before Christmas, we joined my mom at Cracker Barrell for breakfast. This has become a big tradition with the girls, and they associate nothing but goodness with the Cracker Barrell -- except for the fireplace. Gracie does not like the fire.
Anyrate, afterward, my mom was going to watch the girls so that we could handle some last minute Christmas business. We had completed our final grocery shop, but the one thing missing was that we were in need of a rolling pin. (Wal-Mart had sold out of their inventory.) So I casually mentioned that if they were going to run errands (and they were), could they please pop into Target to see if a rolling pin could be located. What was, I'm sure, $100+ later, my mom produced a new rolling pin (thanks again!), and the girls were sporting new pajamas. Never mind that Santa had already packed several pairs of new pajamas onto his sleigh; the girls (and cousin Lexy) had conned Grammie into new PJ's and slippers.
During the time Grammie was being "rolled" in the sleepwear department, there were efforts to dissuade Gracie out of her Elmo pajama purchase. The Elmo pajamas were a snug size 4, with no size 5 to be located, and they proffered an array of pajamas, all meeting the size 5 requirement. Gracie would not budge from her choice, and the purchase was made.
I cannot count the number of times the above photographed pajamas have been worn in the five weeks since Christmas. Needless to say when "pajama day" was announced at school, there was no question as to which pajamas would be worn. Certainly, none of the pajamas Santa carefully selected and brought would suffice. Lauren was intent on wearing her cotton Princess pajamas, despite that they are not warm enough, and Gracie would not have left the house in anything other than her green Elmo pajamas, despite the fact that they are Christmas themed.
So yesterday was pajama day at preschool, and they had been talking about wearing their favorite PJ's for weeks. The only painful part of pajama day was having to not wear the chosen ones in the nights leading up to the big day. Well, that and explaining that mommies do not participate in pajama day, and therefore, no, I did not wear PJ's to school drop off Thursday morning, much to Lauren and Gracie's disappointment.
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