I believe in the specificity of prayer. I believe this vast and intricate universe of ours evidences God's love of details, and I further believe He expects us to be detailed and specific also. Accordingly, I want to share the below message from Sarah (via Facebook),
for whom I requested prayers earlier this week, outlining her current situation.
From reviewing her note, you will see that she has been given the "green light" to begin a trial at Duke, starting 03-16-11. Sarah has a 67% chance of receiving a chemotherapy drug (and a 33% chance of receiving a placebo).
***PLEASE pray that she receives the drug (versus the placebo).***
From there, "this drug has been shown to have approximately 30% efficacy in shrinking adrenal cancer patients’ tumors and is a much more targeted therapy than conventional chemotherapy drugs (and of which have not been proven effective in combatting adrenal cancer)."
***PLEASE PRAY that this drug is effective for Sarah.***
***PRAY that she is healed.
Thank you again for continuing to pray.

Pray for a Miracle!
by Sarah Lindsey Gupta on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 9:07pm.
My dear, dear Facebook Family,
First let me say thank you for your countless words of encouragement and support this past weekend. It’s been an extremely difficult weekend...and your kindness and support have been overwhelming! Thank you for loving me and Sumit! We are so blessed to know each and every one of you...which is why we are reaching out to all of you again tonight asking for your prayers and love.
I have to give glory where glory is due.....so praise God for ALL He has provided and lined up these past few days. I am in AWE over His mighty Power and abilities, moved by His compassion and gentleness, and stunned by His PERFECT timing. Without going into a laundry list of all the difficult news we were told this last weekend, please just pray that Sumit and I continue to seek God’s Voice in this storm and follow His will--as we believe His way is NEVER wrong! We sincerely give all glory and thanks to Him; and feel with all of our hearts and souls that He is not only working great things in OUR lives...but also in the lives of THOUSANDS of people that love and support us unceasingly! For all of you that have so kindly expressed how WE have inspired you--please know that while we are very flattered by these words, we simply can not take credit for the power of the Lord. He is the Great Physician. He is the amazing Redeemer. He is the inspiration of OUR hearts. He has taught us so much! Please don’t thank us--THANK HIM! Without His love and grace and mercy; we would have nothing.
Fortunately, I have been found ELIGIBLE for a clinical trial chemotherapy drug at Duke known as Insulin Growth Factor Receptor OSI-906 and will begin treatment tomorrow morning at 8 am. This drug has been shown to have approximately 30% efficacy in shrinking adrenal cancer patients’ tumors and is a much more targeted therapy than conventional chemotherapy drugs (and of which have not been proven effective in combatting adrenal cancer). Unfortunately, there is a 33% chance that I will receive a placebo on this clinical trial. Based on the current size and location of my tumors, I am not a surgical candidate at this time (the only PROVEN cure for ACC or adrenocortical carcinoma)....so this is my best shot at beating this disease right now.
This drug is my best chance at shrinking my tumors. I write to y’all tonight begging for your prayers. Pray that whatever God’s will is for us, we will be led down that path and listen to His voice. Pray that our Lord Jesus Christ has mercy on me, and allows me the opportunity to live a long and HEALTHY life here on earth with my beloved HUSBAND, Sumit Gupta, and my family and friends. I want so badly to glorify God’s name and sing HIS miraculous praises; because it is ONLY through Him and by Him that anything in this world matters. I’m asking you to pray for a miracle. I’m asking you to ask God to save my life. I’m asking you to PRAY with all your heart, mind, and soul that God provides everything I need at exactly the right time so that I can live a life on this planet in which He feels proud of! I want so badly to be the woman He wants me to be. I want SOOOOOOO badly to spend a LONG time here on earth as a healthy and subservient woman of God. I mean that with ALL that I am; but I will admit it gets really difficult to keep my focus on the Lord when so many of the “white-coats” are giving me their human perspective on everything.
It may very well be that God’s plan is NOT that this drug works. I really may not be here for as long as I’d like...but please know that I believe whatever the circumstance, God is NEVER wrong. His view on everything is FAR greater than our own. Who knows what all He has in store for any one of us at any given point in our lives? Our time on earth is but a blink of the eye in the grand scheme of things--so why not LOVE and appreciate all that He has given each one of us so selflessly? It amazes me how INCREDIBLE and complex a world I’ve been handed over by someone that simply asks me to love and trust Him. It really doesn’t get more simple and beautiful than that. I sincerely believe He loves each and every one of us beyond what we will ever be able to understand...not because of what we DO, but because of WHO WE ARE.
He commands us to love each other. He instructs us not to worry or be anxious in anything. I have been so wrong in spending any time wasting away the precious time He has given me...and I ask each of you to look inside yourselves and let go of any of the worry or anxiety you may feel in your heart. Just trust Him and He will provide. I’m sure of that. I believe He will see me through this and be by my side each and every step of the way. I love Jesus with all my heart, and have seen TOO many of His miraculous good works (especially just within the last week) to discredit His power. I ask you to pray that I am able to maintain the patience and strength to allow His name all the goodness and glory He ultimately deserves. Pray for a miracle! Please just pray for a miracle! :) All things are possible with God!