Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trip update, final installment

Finally, we capped off our long weekend away with some good, old-fashioned go cart fun. I deferred to Skip for this activity, and the girls took turns riding with him. While waiting for Lauren's initial run to wrap, Gracie kept saying, "I want my turn... I want my turn now... I want to ride on the track!!!!"

We also took a spin in the bumper cars. I tried to be a spectator for this event, too, but eventually had to get behind the wheel. We're thinking of installing a few cars downstairs and turning our basement into a bumper car emporium. I think it would be great entertainment, post dinner party.

Grammie, who joined us for the trip, was the only one spared the amusement park/go cart/bumper car experience. She feigned tiredness and took a nap in the car while we played. Lucky duck!

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