Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Valentine's Tea Party

While going through some photos this weekend, I stumbled across the pics from our Valentine's tea.  The duo did not get to have an official "party" (wink-wink) with treats and goodies from home.  Instead, they exchanged Valentine's at school and had fun, of course, but there was no official school party.

As the room mom, I was on board with whatever covert operation was being planned, but the duo were in shock.  How could they NOT have a party?! They were not following the premise that, although they technically could not have a party, they would likely still have a fun day.  Certainly, they were especially distraught to learn that friends at other schools were having parties. To compromise, we decided to have a tea party on Friday the 15th since we had ballet on the 14th (nothing can come before ballet perfection), and we were too busy the prior weekend.

The duo, their "Julie" dolls, William George and Snoopy gathered round the dining room table. Actually, when George spotted two dolls at the table, he yelled "Noop-Noop" to make sure his entourage was included.  Even Grammie was able to join them when she stopped by for a quick visit.

Preparation time was approximately three minutes, and the budget was maybe two dollars, maximum. They loved this little party and talked about the event days before and after it occurred.  The Valentine's tea party may become an annual event.

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