Tomorrow is the last day of school, although the duo have decided to end their school year today and forgo the last official day of school.
This is, until I sounded the "It's the LASSSSSTTTTT DAAAYYYYYY!" song and dance this morning (and you should say the "last day" part Oprah-style to really appreciate the sentiment). By the time George and I dropped the girls at school, Lauren was sure she wanted to attend tomorrow as well. Gracie, on the other hand, is fine with hanging up her backpack today, and I really don't blame her. Gracie has had a full week, whereas today marks Lauren's first day at school this week.
At any rate, either today or tomorrow we will putting Kindergarten "in the books". We have had a great year, are looking forward to a wonderful summer break, and will excitedly return next year, when we will get to see all their old friends again. (They are relieved not to be saying goodbye like last year.)
Gracie and Lauren have grown by leaps and bounds during this school year. Here they are on the first day:
And here they are today, with different (permanent teeth) smiles, added height and loaded with new knowledge and fun experiences:
The duo started a new habit after spring break. They requested an alarm in their room so they could wake up, get dressed (from the clothes we lay out the night before), make beds and comb hair. I didn't want to jinx this fragile habit, and therefore, haven't mentioned their initiative until now. For the last eight weeks, they have gotten themselves ready in the morning, with only minimal assistance from me in the way of conflict resolution, footwear patrol and hair styling. Of course, Skip has remained on breakfast duty. But waking, dressing and making beds? That is huge!
William George has continued to supply his full assistance in the "go bye-bye!" department, and he helped his sisters with their backpacks one last time (?) this morning.
They have had a great year, and now we're ready for some summer fun!
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