Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Day of School, 2014-2015 (K3 Edition)

William George's first day of K3 was this past Monday. Because I drop off the duo and then carry the patient to her morning appointments, Skip has been taking George to daycare this summer and will be managing his school drop this fall.

We really talked up his first day and put emphasis on the fact that he will now be able to play on the BIG playground (versus the toddler and K2 area). Since George is part monkey and plays on the big playground after church each week, he was more than ready to charge out the door Monday morning. He will be going three mornings a week, and yesterday was his second day. While we were busy with our morning routine, he asked me where he was going... and when I didn't immediately answer, he repeated, while pulling on my dress:

Where I going today?
Where will I be?
Will you talk about it?

So, of course, we did, and then he was fine. Although Snoopy didn't make the trip (he stayed in the car), you can bet "cloffie" is tucked away in that backpack.

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