Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Miss Lindsey, the Teacher

My mom is doing a great job in therapy. She has been discharged from occupational therapy, and is continuing to progress with speech. Luckily for her, Lauren's favorite activity is playing "school," and she gets lots of one-on-one instruction from Lauren each afternoon.  

"Eyes are off the board. Have been giving her chances now y'all need to practice."

Some of her early feedback was a little harsh. When Grammie was not available to attend her class, Lauren shifted her attention to William George. He took her class for a day or two and apparently things did not go as smoothly. Lauren came to me with tears streaming down her cheeks as she explained, "George said he hated my class!" 

I told Lauren about 360 reviews and how they are used in the workplace and that she should probably take George's feedback to heart, although he could have expressed his feelings more delicately. 
We talked about encouragement and how teachers motivate. They don't just point out things a student does wrong. She immediately took George's feedback to heart. The next note I received about Grammie was better... 

...although I was initially concerned when the address included my full name. 

She is a leader and brave and powerful. She is a good student. Keep going.

While I am very sympathetic to Grammie and little George (particularly with the earlier notes), I am thankful to have not received any notes about my own performance. 

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