Friday, December 19, 2014

2014 School Christmas Parties (K3 and Second Grade)

Yesterday was a day of parties. William George's class celebrated in the morning with quite a spread of party food. George helped himself to ALL of the food. He had several chicken nuggets, hot dogs, chips and then devoured three or four cookies. He chased it all down with a couple of juice boxes. He and his friends exchanged books, and he gave his sweet teachers necklaces. He was very proud of his gifts, even if he did not always want to let go of them during the exchange process.  

Lauren and Grace's second grade classes had a combined Christmas party yesterday afternoon. The party was very cute, but I knew it was going to be eventful when a fellow mom came toward me hurriedly asking, "Who packed the goody bags???" Another friend, Mrs. M. packed them, and she explained that her son had chosen whistles to go in the bags. So... at exactly three minutes into the party, forty-five whistles were being whistled at exactly the same time. HA! In consolation to Mrs. M,  they were obviously a HUGE hit, as the children whistled as loudly as they could for the next twenty minutes until the teachers kiboshed all whistling for the rest of the party. They were saints for allowing twenty minutes.  Other than the whistling, the classes also had a special request for Mr. Claus.

We had a fun day of parties, and we are ready to kick off Christmas vacation. The countdown to Christmas Day starts exactly....NOW!

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