Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

The trio spent December 23rd playing with Gran and Poppa, while Skip and I ran a few errands. Unbeknownst to us, Santa had arranged for the puppy Grace had requested to be delivered - with special assistance of our Elf, Zippy.  When we arrived home, we found a 12 week old Bichon Frise puppy in a basket underneath the tree, and that's where the trio found her later when Gran and Poppa brought them home.

A quick peak at their discovery:

Christmas 2014: Pixie Lindsey from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

We covered the 24th here. The only thing I left off was my bemusement when reading everyone's middle-of-the-night escapades on social media. I didn't dare add my own (sleeping with a puppy in a car in the basement) because that type of thing only makes sense in the middle of the night...with newborn infants and homesick puppies. Knowing that other friends were up all night helped me feel better.

Anyrate... After an eventful Christmas Eve, Skip and I got up early Christmas morning and waited patiently to wake the trio at 7:30am. Grammie joined them in coming downstairs to see if Santa had visited. When they realized he had, chaos and pandemonium ensued.

Poppa and Gran joined us later for breakfast and a second wave of chaos.

In the days since Christmas, we have been having pajama days, movie nights and have had lots of fun going through the toy store that has become out home. (Everyone was really much too generous. Again. :) As for the puppy, who has been named Pixie Lindsey, she has gotten better, increasing her comfort level and sleep each night. She finally slept last night from 11:30pm until 6:45am, and that feels like a total WIN.  We had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying getting to know the newest member of our family.

I hope your holidays are going well, and we wish the best of 2015.

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