Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving Break 2015

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

While we were going back and forth this fall on how to spend Thanksgiving break, my mom stumbled onto a wonderful off-season rate with one of our relatives who has had the good fortune to invest in a couple of rental properties. Faster than you can say "road trip," we had booked a delightful six days on the coast. Our time there coincided with the first cold front to pass through so the trio were very thankful for heated pools and hot tubs.

Lauren went across the pool and back before realizing that there are some lily pond float-type things you can stand on while traversing the (non-heated) pool. She is loaded with strength and determination, and the cold water beneath her provided some incentive to get across.

The heated pool and hot tubs were where we spent most of our swimming time.

William George was obsessed with the sea gulls and pigeons, and he kept calling the latter "road runners".

Because of the front, there was no surf for the first couple of days, and the sunsets were amazing. The water was beautiful while still, but we welcomed the return of the waves.

Otherwise, we spent all of our time relaxing on the beach. The ocean is still warm, although it was chilly whenever the wind blew.

An Air Force base nearby provided George with lots of airplanes to watch, including several fighter jets.

George decided to make catching a bird his raison d'ĂȘtre, but this is as close as he got. He did have one running in Grammie's direction once. She declined to assist, despite George's calling out, "Catch it, Grammie!!!!"

No birds were harmed during our vacation.

A friendly game of chase on the beach is a tradition.

(My mom would want me to explain that she had surgery a week prior to this trip, but her smiling photo is too pretty not to post.)

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a blast playing in the pool, playing on the beach and just generally having a good time.  I am so thankful for these wonderful people, as well as our families and friends not shown.

We are ready for the Iron Bowl (Roll Tide!) and Christmas.

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