Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Weekend

For people who are quarantined at home, Easter ended up being a very busy and eventful weekend.  Let's talk about Easter first. Because bad weather was expected for Easter Sunday, we decided to do all of our outdoor celebrating on Saturday. Grace, Lauren and George put on their Easter clothes, dusted off their Easter baskets and hunted for eggs. 

You're never too old to hunt for eggs, especially if your younger brother is competitive and keeps challenging you. 

After lunch on Saturday, the scoured the yard for eggs. Again, this is a competitive hunt, and gone are the easy days of the eggs being readily visible. This is egg hunting 2.0... phase two... whatever label you want to attach... we're keeping it interesting, especially when quarantined at home. 

The initial hunt went well, but there was a rematch challenge. George removed his shoes so he could run better, as one does.  

In the end, the second match was a three-way tie, an ending that would be impossible to replicate so we decided to end on a high note.  

The next morning we discovered that he Easter Bunny visited, with a heavy emphasis on outdoor games. The Bunny always knows what is needed.  

We were able to attend virtual church. In a time when life is so altered and everything seems upside down, we are grateful to celebrate a truth that has endured for 2,000 years and will endure throughout eternity. The tomb is empty, and He has risen. 

How was your Easter? 

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