Thursday, September 9, 2010

The sale

I have received a couple of questions about the sale.

No update has been previously provided because, well, it was uneventful for the most part. As I have come to expect, it was a great sale. The issue is that there were a couple of earlier sales, and I made an absolute spectacle of myself at those. I found myself staring at clothing that could have been worn by Suri Cruise or one of Heidi Klum's children. Fantastic, unbelievable clothes! And, I crumbled. I bought stacks and stacks (for pennies on the dollar, mind you) for Gracie to wear this year and for future inventory. Plus, I nabbed tons of pink clothing for Lauren. It literally took a week to launder, organize and store everything.

By the time I arrived at the multiples sale, I had already accumulated a closet full of clothing for fall and winter. So I picked up a pair of Christmas dresses, a pair of sweaters, and maybe a few shirts. It was anti-climactic, to say the least, at least for me, personally.

For others, the sale was a huge hit, as evidenced by the long lines and endless merchandise.

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