Monday, March 14, 2011


So the big news is that Gracie and Lauren are going to be BIG SISTERS! They are so excited, having waited almost 4 1/2 years for the opportunity to delegate, assign blame (more effectively) and to have a shot at bossing someone around. (They try all of that now with each other, of course, but they feel like there will be greater ease with a newcomer, who is scheduled to arrive in July.)

The most commonly asked question we receive is if we are expecting one baby or two. That's a fair question. For those who do not already know, any guesses? If you guessed a second set of twins, are you trying to age us even more? This time there is a single, lone baby, and it has been wonderful, with only minor fatigue, nausea, etc. What a difference a singleton pregnancy is! Or, as Gracie has said, "There's just ONE baby, and (looking around intently at all of us) we all have to SHARE!"


Melanie said...

Congratulations on the new baby! I am very happy for you. So when is the due date???

Also - I want to say I am so sorry to hear about Sarah. I will pray for her recovery! She was a Beautiful Bride!!

The Lindsey Family said...

Hey! THANKS! We are so excited... the due date is July 19, putting me at about 22 weeks.