The lay out of Gracie and Lauren's bedroom (they share) is the standard twin bed situation, positioned next to each other, with approximately two feet separating the beds. This has worked out well for us. Thankfully, the room is large, and they have enough room to have space of their own. Although yesterday, we heard Lauren exit her bed at 6:00am, and Skip found her curled up in Gracie's bed to snuggle before getting up to start the day. Our rule is that they must stay in the bed (with the exception of going to the restroom) until the sun is up, and they have adhered to that so far.
We have explained a few times about the changes that are planned for "Baby Brover's" arrival. The guest room will be converted, i.e., they will no longer have the entire upstairs to themselves. They have not grasped the ramifications of sharing a bathroom, but we will have lots of time to ease into that situation.
During our regular routine last night, Gracie suddenly interrupted story time, sat up in her bed and said, "We need to move our beds." She explained further, "We need to move them over to make room for Baby Brover." She looked pointedly at the two foot space between their beds, as if there could be no other place more appropriate for their new sibling. Looking at the space, she said, "I need to take care of him." We reminded her that Baby Brover might cry sometimes and that he might sleep in the guest room so that they can sleep uninterrupted. But, I am totally taking her up on her commitment to take care of him when he cries.
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