Monday, March 19, 2012

Day in the Life

In an effort to accurately recall our daily routines years from now, the 15th of each month is being documented for a day-in-the-life view of how we spend our days.

March 15, 2012

3:17am: George awakens. Re-swaddle, turn on the white noise iPhone app.

5:50am: Awaken, give George his 6am bottle.

6:20am: Get dressed and ready.

6:30am: Awaken Gracie and Lauren, dress, do hair, etc.

7:00am: Breakfast, consisting of eggs, turkey bacon and cereal. Prepare lunches, brush teeth, assemble book bags, etc.

7:35am: Depart for school.

7:55am: School drop for Lauren (Gracie did not attend).

I need to explain Lauren's hairstyle in the above photo, mainly if/when she questions why her hair was styled in such a way.  Lauren, this was entirely your idea (and Gracie's, of course).  You have a classmate, Kylie, who wears her hair like this occasionally.  Ms. Venus, one of your teachers, calls this style "reindeer ears," and you have been intrigued since you heard that expression.  You are blameless, really; what five year old wouldn't want to wear reindeer ears?

8:15am: Apply make up in the car. Brief errands (CVS, gasoline).

8:50am: Arrive home.

9:00am: George's 9am bottle and nap.

9:30 - 10:30am: Phone calls, laundry, cleaning.

10:30 - 11:30am: Gracie's work books.

11:45am: Lunch. Skip returns home from Boston and picks up Milo's on the drive home from the airport.

12:15pm: George's lunch and bottle.

12:30pm: Play time.

1:15pm:  More cleaning.

2:00pm: Commute to school.

2:30pm: Pick up Lauren and commute home.

3:00pm: George's 3pm bottle (he continues to eat every three hours).

3:30pm: George's nap. Unpack school bags and lunchboxes; review paperwork from school. Pack bag for afternoon activities.

4:15pm: Dress Gracie and Lauren in leotards and tutu's.

4:30pm: Have an early dinner (sandwiches, veggie straws, orange).

4:50pm: Leave for ballet

5:15 - 6:00pm: Ballet

6:00pm: Commute to softball.  I haven't posted about this yet, but we signed up for softball this spring.

6:12-6:25pm: Change from leotards to softball clothes in the car.

6:27pm: George's 6pm bottle.  He liked the ambience of the softball field.

6:30 - 7:15pm: Softball practice.

7:40pm: Bath, night time routine.

8:00pm:  Bed time for George.

8:20pm: Lights out for Gracie and Lauren.

10:45pm: George's final bottle.

11:00pm:  Bed time for me. 


And that is currently a typical Thursday. 

See the February 15th (Wednesday) routine here.

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