Wednesday, December 12, 2012

School Christmas Program, 2012

The school Christmas program was held Monday night.  The duo have been so excited about getting to sing in the program and had been counting the days until the date.  Each time I asked them which songs they were singing, they gave different answers.  That ambiguity added to the element of surprise when they performed "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth," "Jingle Bells," "Silent Night," "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," and several other classics.  They did a great job and had the best time. 

I volunteered at the school the following morning for "Santa Shop".  For those of you who may be unfamiliar, Santa Shop is a fundraiser organized by the PTA.  Gifts at various price points are in the shop, and students come purchase gifts for family members.  You would be surprised at the amount of thought and care that went into picking out gifts.  Interestingly, the children with the most modest budgets often were the most careful and judicious about their purchases.  I'm sure there's a lesson there. 

The saddest part of the day was when one of the organizers whispered to me that the little girl next in my line had lost one of her parents this year... so I wouldn't ask about her mom or prompt her to shop for her.  She had a list, and we spent a lot of time picking out gifts for her dad, sister and grandparents.  We made a big to-do about her shopping and gushed over her gifts.  We are adding that lovely young girl to our prayers this season. 

After the shop closed, the girls' class was filing into the lunch room so... I stayed for lunch.  When a student has a visitor for lunch, they get to sit at the "special" table, and they get to pick a buddy to join them.  Apparently, getting picked is a very big deal.  The duo picked V and E, and as we were all taking our seats, a third friend, P, crashed the party.  The girls politely explained that she needed to go back with the class, that she would get into trouble, but girlfriend refused to leave.  Needless to say, I couldn't ask her to leave so, after clarifying that there might be a consequence if she broke the lunch room rules, I let the matter drop.  She did not get busted, and our table was the better for it. 

The more the merrier, right? 

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