Monday, September 16, 2013

Enumerated Update

Happy Monday, friends.  I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing weekend.  In contrast, we watched the Alabama v Texas A&M game that took 10 years off our lives. 

Here's where we are:

1)  The Game:  We all watched it or heard about it, yes? There's nothing to add except my fervent wish that Johnny Manziel turns pro early so we only have to face him one more time. 

2)  School Photo Day:  William George had his first ever class photo last Thursday.  George loves going to K2, but he still insists on taking his cloth with him each day.  The teacher and I have compared notes several times on how to handle clothie.  With the girls, we would have spent a little time thinking about the cloth attachment.... what does it mean?... should we discourage?... should we apply limitations?... we should definitely research and read everything ever written about attachment objects. Read... research... repeat.

With the third child?  Notsomuch on analyzing clothie and its implications.  Basically, we told George's teacher that we don't allow clothie to come into contact with food (George stuffs clothie down in his booster seat), we don't allow clothie on playgrounds, and we don't take it out much in public -- simply because we don't want to loose them. (He has multiples, but not an infinite supply.)  The rule at school is that he has to put clothie in his cubby during center time.  She also tried restricting it on the playground, but when she noticed how George didn't play much without it she let him have it.  Since George gets a fresh clothie each morning and since they are bleached when laundered, we keep an open mind.

When the time came for George's school portrait, he wouldn't go see the photographer without clothie.  In a few weeks, we will receive George's photo package, and I'm sure he and clothie will look handsome. 

3)  Readers:  Speaking of school, the trio have each turned corners with their respective reading.  The duo are taking off with their reading abilities, whereas George is demonstrating preferences and picking out his favorites.  At the end of a long day, sometimes devoting 20 minutes of reading to George and another 20 to the duo is a challenge, especially on top of homework and the individual reading the girls complete daily.  This article is a compelling argument for making sure all three have the full 20 minutes. 

4)  HVAC:  Last week our downstairs unit stopped working - the unit we installed in February.  After a mere seven months of use, the vents produced only warm air.  Our upstairs unit (installed December of 2011) is awesome; I would recommend it to anyone.  Although they are both Trane units, the downstairs unit is questionable. We have called the guys out 2-3 times for the downstairs unit since we kept detecting an odor -- an electrical fire-type odor.  So when the unit stopped cooling, they came out, diagnosed "dirty sock syndrome," which is HVAC-speak for the evaporator coil leaking, causing a smell.  So we asked, "Like an electrical fire smell?" Since we had had them evaluate that exact complaint, we were somewhat baffled by their inability to diagnose the problem sooner.  Replacement of said coil apparently costs $2600, and that prompted the guy to tell us how lucky we were to have the warranty.  Lucky us for having a warranty to protect against a defective and poorly made unit.

On the contrary, it is our installer who is lucky because a conversation involving our being told the evaporator coil was faulty after a few months use would not have gone well -- not even a little bit. 

5)  Deterrence:  This sign, caught by a friend on Instagram, made me laugh. 

6) Coppola: After mentioning Sofia Coppola last week, I ran across this image on  This tidy medicine cabinet belongs to Sofia Coppola:

Although I wouldn't normally condone medicine cabinet snooping, this shot is awesome. 

Next, Skip pointed me to this interview wherein Marlow Stern interviews Coppola on the 10th anniversary of the release of Lost in Translation.  Basically, last week was great for Coppola fans (or stalkers). 

And that's what's happening with us.  What is going on with you? 

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