Happy Tuesday after Labor Day, friends! Did you have a good weekend? I hope you tacked on extra days and had a farewell-to-summer extravaganza!
Here's we are:
1) September: Since Fall is my favorite time of year, I couldn't be happier about ringing in the month of September. Fall? Bring it.
2) Anniversary: We celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of Skip's parents over the weekend. That's golden, baby! Updates to come soon.
3) Anniversary: Much less importantly, I realized last week that the status/enumerated update is celebrating its one year anniversary on this site (see the first one here). This may be the most consistent thread of this entire blog. It's a blogging miracle! Well, maybe it would have been miraculous if I had stayed consistent with the title.
4) Changes: We have been slowly going through our home and making some updates. First, we tackled the keeping room by removing coffee tables and an outdated chair and brought in two formal chairs to balance the room. Next, we focused on the dining room and eliminated three pieces by bringing in a china cabinet. The best part? The "new" pieces were found at a consignment sale and on Craigslist, respectively. Y'all know I love a bargain.
This post from Design Sponge is probably one of my favorite before/after stories in their entire series. Love that the room was changed dramatically for $400.00. Love!
5) Birkenstocks: As we begin to say goodbye to summer, I have to mention a big trend this summer: the return of the Birkenstock. For those who love them, you're probably thinking they didn't return at all... that they've been a staple in your closet for years. I understand the allure; really, I do. I tend to be more of a stacky heel kind-of-girl and just couldn't get on board. When this earthy shoe hit my inbox last week as a flash sale, I skimmed the options.
Maybe I could embrace them if they had a wedge option?
6) Selfies: Last week the Oxford Dictionaries added selfie to the dictionary (along with several other words, including "twerking" that will not be discussed here). A discussion on the unnecessary-ness of selfies can be found here.
What's going on with you? Are you thinking of throwing your beloved Birkenstock at me? I hope not. I probably would wear them if I could pull them off.
Have a fantastic, short week!
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