Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Day, February 2014

In a most unusual twist, we experienced another snow fall last week. This time, we received several inches of snow and limited (if any?) ice, creating conditions that were more recreational and just generally more fun.

We often joke that Skip is out of town for any inclement weather, but he was actually home this time. And, when we lost power for about 12 hours, he was unable to work and took a break to play in the snow -- such a rare treat.

We took advantage of our four inches of snow in the front yard by grabbing the laundry basket and having ourselves a luge competition.  We had to play quickly because, much like the Sochi Olympics, our snow was melting fast!

Lauren and Gracie enjoyed their luge/sledding, but William George was reluctant.

We even got to dust off the snow shovel, an artifact from Skip's Syracuse days.

Finally, we convinced George to give sledding a try.

He loved it!!!!


...they tipped over and he landed in the cold snow.

When the melting began in earnest, we quickly prioritized the rest of our activities.

We built a snow man.

We collected snow for the making of snow cream later.

We threw snow balls.

We... shoveled?

William George loves any kind of broom or shovel so this would have been high on his to-do list.

The duo decided to make a snow family, adding a couple of more snow people to the collection.

Then, William George wanted to help, and I encouraged inclusion.  But then he destroyed the snow man when a creative difference arose.

While George was considering his actions (i.e., time out), Lauren rebuilt her snow man. See that look of determination? Do not mess with that one; she's got a little dash of Tracy Flick in her personality that makes her a force once she is determined.

As for Gracie, she would literally do anything to help Lauren, and therefore, quickly came to her aid in the rebuilding effort.

Don't be surprised to see these two as the first all-female presidential/vice-presidential ticket.

All the while, William George moved on.

Two and a half-year old George barely escaped his next scrape when he (as seen below) told his father, "You need to get control of yourself, Daddy!"

But he is smart enough to know when to leave it alone.

The boys made up and celebrated their reconciliation with a snow ball fight.

By then, the sun was out in full force and the temperatures were quickly climbing. The duo had time for snow angels and then changed out of their wet clothes... just in time for lunch.

That's a wrap on our second official day of snow.  

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