Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter Eve

On the Saturday before Easter, we had business as usual at the ball park in the morning. The team lined up, played a great game (a win!) and had a fantastic time.  William George enjoyed snacks on the playground with both grandmothers while Papa studied the game and Skip's coaching. The girls received the "game balls" which is just about the biggest distinction they can imagine.  

We had a picnic at the park - not because we are organized and conscientious but because we really got burned out on the ball park hot dog last year. We cannot have another one. After a quick lunch, we struck out for a marathon afternoon. First, we went to Auntie Melinda and Grammie's church for their spring fling. Although we missed their egg hunt during the game, we were ready to hit the inflatables with full force.  Also, Aunt Melinda escorted them through the face painting booth and captured the process on on my camera, too.  Lauren choose a bunny face, whereas Gracie picked a butterfly. 

After face painting and jumping for a solid two hours, we went to Gran and Papa's for their church's egg hunt.  The duo had fun playing games, snacking and hunting a LOT of eggs. This has been a funny year for William George because he is the oldest of the "2 and under" egg hunting groups, meaning that his mobility advantage has scored him a LOT of eggs. Even more fun is the discovery that the eggs at this particular hunt had the chocolate candy stashed right inside the egg -- no silly middleman involved in the trading in of eggs! (No criticism to our church's egg hunt, of course. It's a larger affair, and that step preserves order.) If you happen to be a two year old, discovering that you can simply  pause for a bite of chocolate, mid-hunt, is a revelation.  

After a very long day, we were ready to crash. We were eager about our church's Easter celebration, and some of us were also excited about the Easter bunny. I was one of them. 

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