Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Cold Never Bothered Her Anyway

Recital season is fast upon us, and the duo are busily preparing for ballet, tap and piano recitals.  The duo have been working hard all year, and we have the costumes in hand.  Over the next six weeks they will be finalizing routines and songs. Last week at ballet we were treated to a preview:

Ballet, Spring 2014 from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

I also snuck a little video of Lauren practicing her recital piece, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

Recital Practice, 4-4-14 from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

Gracie is also working on her song. She recently announced that she wants to sing "Let It Go" during the recital.

Like every little girl all the world over, ours have been bitten by the Frozen bug. Accordingly, Grace belts out the infectious single dozens of times each day. She does not shrink from the high notes, and she can project her voice impressively. So when she expressed an interest in performing the song during the recital, I had the unpopular task of explaining that usually vocal performances are limited to vocal students... that taking voice is a prerequisite for performing vocally during the recital.

 Needless to say, she was not amused.

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