Thursday, May 22, 2014


The weekend we took dance photos was hectic. We had a softball game Saturday morning, and then inspiration struck and we spent the entire weekend completing some much needed yard work. My ticket to an early dismissal from yard labor was that we needed to have dance photos completed because the duo's tap costume would need to be turned in to the studio after recital. (For those who know me well, that meant I could not wait until mid-June to have photos taken, as is my way.) Clearly, leaving for photos was an imperative.  In our race to get everything ready to go, I forgot to pack tights. Of course, something  is always left behind so this was the tiniest blip to overcome, and we just did head shots. After all those serious poses (posted previously), the duo were ready to play. These are the outtakes - bare legs and all.

Finally, Lauren is going through a major Scooby Doo phase at the moment, and she spent much of the day channeling Shaggy, meaning that "ZOINKS!" and "Ho-HO!" could be heard from our little photo session. 

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