Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Obama's White House China

By way of confession, we are total White House nerds. This week has been an especially good week for nerds like us because we had the White House correspondents' dinner over the weekend and the  unveiling of the Obama State China Service Monday, although I should clarify that only the girls and I really care about the china unveiling.  To further come clean, the china patterns of past presidents has been an oft frequented rabbit hole of yours truly, and the only reason I haven't purchased one of the many books documenting the china of the White House is that I cannot decide which one to select. Plus, I would want to use the book as a coffee table book and, well, colorful, inviting books do not always fare well with William George.

Otherwise, I am fascinated with the China Room. Basically, if I were allowed into our nation's capitol, for the "good" tour, my priorities would be 1) Oval Office; 2) residence; 3) the China Room and 4) the Situation Room. For some reason, the "sit room" seems like it would be just another bad conference room, albeit with state-of-the-art technology, whereas the China Room would be lovely. Since there is no "good tour" looming on the horizon, this tour will have to suffice.

Some very lucky ladies were invited to the Obama State China unveiling. You can read Design Sponge's recap, as well as Apartment Therapy's write up.  See the full collection here. Clinton's and Woodrow Wilson's are my personal favorites.

Also, how adorable is Curator Bill Allman? He's like a modern-day Carson from Downton Abbey. 

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