Thursday, February 4, 2016

Grace & Lauren's Baptism

On August 9, 2014, after reading their nightly devotional, Grace asked to say the sinner's prayer and asked Jesus to come into her heart as her personal savior. Lauren said the prayer next, and then they shared the news with their children's minister at church the next day. Because of their young ages (7), we wanted to be sure that they had a thorough understanding of their actions and the magnificent results of those actions. Our pastor gave them a book, I'm a Christian, Now What?, to complete. Due to their developing reading skills at the time, we made our way slowly through the book. They were diligent, however, and after completing the book, we regrouped with our pastor and scheduled baptism. Grace and Lauren were baptized on January 10, 2016. We belong to a Methodist church, and although Methodist are known for sprinkling, our new pastor believes in offering the choice of sprinkling or submersion.  The girls requested the latter.

"I wanna get dunked!"

We have never been more proud of anything they have ever done, and we are so grateful for the many individuals who have helped foster their faith. Our church has some really special leaders in children's ministry.

Their grandparents were on hand to help them celebrate this important milestone. After church, we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (their choice), and they were gifted with new Bibles, cases and lovely cross necklaces.

William George has expressed concern that he will be baptized alone (once he makes his decision of faith in a few years), but his fears were allayed when he realized we would all stand with him when he is baptized. We look forward to watching the girls continue to expand their faith, and we are most eager for George to come to know Jesus as well.  

PS: Remember George's infant baptism

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